Международная Московская Коллегия адвокатов «Абшилава и Партнёры» объединяет высокопрофессиональных Адвокатов, оказывающих широкий спектр адвокатских услуг гражданам и юридическим лицам.
Вашему вниманию предлагается краткий обзор оправдательных приговоров и решений в пользу доверителей, с участием Адвокатов – Партнеров Международной Московской Коллегии адвокатов «Абшилава и Партнёры».
По приговору Свердловского областного суда от 24.05.2018 вердиктом присяжных заседателей признано недоказанным совершение преступлений гражданином Б., обвиняемым в участии в устойчивой вооруженной группе (банде) и в совершаемых ею нападениях по ч.2 ст.209 УК РФ, а также убийстве двух лиц группой лиц по предварительному сговору, организованной группой, по найму, сопряжённое с бандитизмом по п.п. «а, ж, з» ч.2 ст.105 УК РФ и гражданами П. и И., обвиняемыми в убийстве, совершенном организованной группой, по найму, сопряженное с бандитизмом по п.п. «ж, з» ч.2 ст.105 УК РФ. Вышеуказанные граждане оправданы, в связи с непричастностью к совершению данных преступлений.
Судебной коллегией Верховного Суда РФ вышеуказанный приговор оставлен без изменения, апелляционное представление заместителя Генерального прокурора РФ – без удовлетворения.
По приговору Полевского городского суда Свердловской области от 11.12.2014 гражданин П. признан виновным по п.п. «а,г» ч.2 ст. 126, ч.1 ст. 309 УК РФ, условное осуждение П. по приговору Полевского городского суда Свердловской области от 22.01.1998 отменено, и окончательное наказание по совокупности приговоров назначено в виде 8 лет лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в исправительной колонии строгого режима.
Апелляционным определением судебной коллегии по уголовным делам Свердловского областного суда от 03.03.2015 приговор от 11.12.2014 изменен, П. признан осужденным по ч.1 ст. 309, п.п. «а,г» ч.2 ст. 126 УК РФ.Постановлением Президиума Свердловского областного суда от 23.12.2015 приговор от 11.12.2014 и апелляционное определение судебной коллегии по уголовным делам Свердловского областного суда от 03.03.2015 изменены. Переквалифицированы действия П. с п.п. «а,г» ч.2 ст. 126 УК РФ на п.п. «а,г» ч.2 ст. 126 УК РФ (в редакции ФЗ от 07.12.2011 №420-ФЗ), назначено наказание в виде 6 лет и 8 месяцев лишения свободы.
По совокупности преступлений путём частичного сложения наказаний назначено наказание в виде лишения свободы на 6 лет и 10 месяцев.
К наказанию, назначенному настоящим приговором суда, частично присоединено неотбытое наказание, назначенное приговором суда от 22.01.1998, по совокупности приговоров назначено наказание в виде 7 лет и десяти месяцев лишения свободы в исправительной колонии строгого режима.
Кассационным определением Верховного Суда РФ от 27.11.2018 приговор Полевского городского суда Свердловской области от 11.12.2014, апелляционное определение Судебной коллегии по уголовным делам Свердловского областного суда от 03.03.2015 и постановление Президиума Свердловского областного суда от 23.12.2015 в части осуждения П. по ч.1 ст.309 УК РФ отменены, уголовное преследование прекращено в связи с отсутствием в его действиях состава преступления.
Тот же приговор и последующие судебные решения изменены. Действия П. переквалифицированы с пп. «а», «г» ч.2 ст.126 УК РФ (в редакции ФЗ от 07.12.2011 №420-ФЗ) на пп. «а», «г» ч.2 ст.127 УК РФ(в редакции ФЗ от 07.12.2011 №420-ФЗ), назначено наказание в виде лишения свободы на срок 3 года 6 месяцев. К данному наказанию присоединено частично наказание, неотбытое по приговору от 22.01.1998 и окончательно по совокупности приговоров назначено 4 года 6 месяцев лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в исправительной колонии общего режима.
Гражданин П. освобожден в зале Верховного Суда РФ.
Приговором Когалымского городского суда Ханты-Мансийского АО - Югры от 14.10.2013 гражданин Б., выполнявший управленческие функции в коммерческой организации, обвиняемый в использовании своих полномочий вопреки законным интересам организации, в целях извлечения выгод и преимуществ для себя и граждан Р. И П., причинении существенного вреда правам и законным интересам организации, то есть в совершении 4 преступлений по ч.1 ст.201 УК РФ, а также обвиняемый в пособничестве гражданам П. и Р. в хищении путем обмана и злоупотребления доверием, группой лиц по предварительному сговору, с использованием своего служебного положения, денежных средств в особо крупном размере, то есть в совершении 4 преступлений по ч.5 ст.33, ч.4 ст.159 УК РФ, и граждане П. и Р., обвиняемые в хищении путем обмана и злоупотребления доверием, группой лиц по предварительному сговору, с использованием своего служебного положения, денежных средств в особо крупном размере, то есть по ч.3 ст.159 и 4 преступлений по ч.4 ст.159 УК РФ оправданы, в связи с отсутствием в деянии подсудимых состава преступлений.
Приговором мирового судьи судебного участка № 3 Чкаловского судебного района г. Екатеринбурга от 28.12.2015 гражданин Ч. по предъявленному обвинению в умышленном причинении лёгкого вреда здоровью потерпевшего, то есть по ч.1 ст.115 УК РФ, оправдан, в связи с отсутствием в деянии состава преступления.
Постановлением мирового судьи судебного участка № 1 Верх-Исетского судебного района г. Екатеринбурга уголовное дело в отношении Д. по обвинению в угрозе убийством, то есть по ч.1 ст.119 УК РФ, возвращено прокурору Верх-Исетского района г. Екатеринбурга, для устранения препятствий его рассмотрения судом (пересоставления обвинительного акта).
Президиумом Свердловского областного суда по кассационной жалобе ИП Ш. рассмотрено гражданское дело по иску прокурора Орджоникидзевского района г. Екатеринбурга в интересах неопределенного круга лиц к ответчику ИП Ш. о признании действий незаконными, обязании освободить земельный участок. Постановлением Президиума Свердловского областного суда от 02.03.2016 решение Орджоникидзевского районного суда г.Екатеринбурга, апелляционное определение судебной коллегии по гражданским делам Свердловского областного суда отменены. Дело направлено на новое рассмотрение в суд первой инстанции в ином составе.
Постановлением заместителя председателя Свердловского областного суда от 21.04.2015 решение судьи Верх-Исетского районного суда г. Екатеринбурга, вынесенное по жалобе на постановление мирового судьи судебного участка № 6 Верх-Исетского судебного района г. Екатеринбурга о назначении Д. административного наказания по делу об административном правонарушении по ст.7.27 КоАП РФ за мелкое хищение чужого имущества отменено. Дело об административном правонарушении возвращено на новое рассмотрение другому судье того же суда.
Решением Дзержинского районного суда г. Нижнего Тагила Свердловской области от 27.06.2018 по гражданскому делу исковые требования истца Ск. (с участием представителей Адвокатов-Партнеров) к ответчику Ст. о признании завещания недействительным - удовлетворены.
Представленные оправдательные приговоры и решения в пользу доверителей, с участием Адвокатов партнерства наиболее ярко отражают положительный результат слаженной работы команды Адвокатов партнерства.
Основная задача Адвоката – достижение успеха поставленной цели – победа защиты над обвинением, достижение вершины, апофеоза, квинтэссенции, которые в широком понимании являются основой, на которой строится система идей и доводов защиты.
Формула Успеха, которой необходимо придерживаться Адвокату, – это «Найти существенные нарушения Закона, которые могли повлиять на исход по делу».
Преданный своему делу Адвокат обязан следовать «Золотому правилу», которое составляет основу всей его деятельности, направленной на достижение Успеха.
Итак, откроем секрет Успеха, это «Золотое правило успешного Адвоката: «Вовремя уметь найти существенные нарушения Закона, которые могли повлиять на исход по делу, проанализировать их и обратить на них особое внимание Суда в любой инстанции, будь то первая, апелляционная или кассационная, достигнуть и получить результат – оправдательный приговор или решение в пользу доверителя.
Благодаря командной работе членов нашей команды, придерживаясь этого «Золотого правила» Адвокатами – Партнерами Международной Московской Коллегии адвокатов «Абшилава и Партнёры» достигнута вершина Успеха, результат которого – это многочисленные оправдательные приговоры и решения в пользу доверителей.
The top 10 most media-savvy lawyers of 2023 according to fashion magazine TRENDSPEOPLE
In this age of social media and online media, media personality has long been synonymous with success and popularity. Media personalities set trends, their opinion is listened to by all influential media. Media personality is a kind of quality mark, recognition of professional merit and authority, both among colleagues or journalists, and among clients.
In our Top 10 we have gathered the most media-savvy lawyers in the country in 2023.
Such criteria as media coverage, citations, expert publications and growth in the number of clients were used in compiling the ranking.
Lawyer Volodymyr Postaniuk
Lawyer Vladimir Postanyuk
Vladimir Postanyuk is a lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association “Postanyuk and Partners”. He has vast positive experience in representing individuals and legal entities in criminal, civil and arbitration proceedings. He is the author of the book “Memoirs of a Lawyer”. As a lawyer, he participated in several high-profile trials, including those involving high-ranking officials and businessmen. Over the years, articles and interviews with Vladimir Postanyuk have been published in specialized journals and scientific collections published in Russia. In 2023, he was recognized as “Lawyer of the Year” according to FB magazine.
The lawyer’s name is well known not only in his professional environment, but also in the media environment. Almost no important event in the legal field remains without a balanced commentary and expert assessment by Vladimir Postanyuk. He regularly expresses his point of view on the pages of such authoritative publications as the newspapers Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Argumenty i Fakty, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, portals Gazeta.Ru, Rambler.Novosti, Lenta.RU, Public News Service and others. Among the recent high-profile events that received an assessment from lawyer Vladimir Postanyuk, one can note the tragedies with children’s shootings in schools, the choice of a preventive measure in the case of Elena Blinovskaya, the bill on the non-decreasing amount of alimony, on administrative and criminal liability for plants on a summer cottage.
Vladimir Dmitrievich runs personal social networks with special feeling, in which he shares with subscribers not only his opinions and assessments of what is happening, but also his good mood.
Arbitration manager Anna Khrustaleva
Anna Khrustaleva
Anna Khrustaleva is a lawyer, arbitration manager, member of the Association “Self-regulatory organization of arbitration managers “Mercury”. In 2023, she entered the TOP-10 most beautiful women lawyers according to the fashion magazine TRENDSPEOPLE. The face on the cover of the December issue of TRENDSPEOPLE magazine. “Best arbitration manager” of 2023 according to FB magazine. Anna Khrustaleva’s main area of activity is corporate law, in particular, bankruptcy. As an arbitration manager, she participated in several high-profile bankruptcy cases of legal entities that carried out government orders. Almost 20 years of experience in this area allows Anna Khrustaleva to take on the most complex cases, including those related to large financial and other assets.
In 2023, Anna presented her new project on the market – the “LAW” goods store. The goal of the project is to create a database of regulatory documents and facilitate access to legal services for everyone. Anna Khrustaleva’s comments on the most pressing issues can be found in such publications as Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Argumenty i Fakty newspaper, RT TV channel in Russian, Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, Life.ru and Argumenty Nedeli Internet portals, WomanHit portal for women and many others. Anna is no less responsible in her approach to managing her personal social networks. For her subscribers, Anna promptly covers all changes in legislation, gives advice on legal and tax support for business, talks about the features of the bankruptcy procedure for individuals.
Lawyer Georgy Abshilava
Georgy Abshilava
Georgy Abshilava is a lawyer, honorary lawyer of Russia, doctor of law, professor, former arbitrator. President of the international bar association “Abshilava and partners”, which unites the best lawyers in various legal fields (branches of law). The author of more than twenty scientific works, 2 monographs and more than a hundred articles on criminal procedure. Georgy Valerianovich can be called the continuer of the family tradition. One of his great-grandfathers was a lawyer of the Russian Empire, the second – a judge, his father worked in the police. He carries the reverent attitude to the legal profession, which he developed in childhood, throughout his life. In his opinion, a lawyer should not only be a high professional, but also a noble and creative person. Georgy Abshilava pays great attention to scientific work, issues of creating institutions that ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of every citizen of our country. Since 2018, he has been a professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure at Ulyanovsk State University and a member of the United Dissertation Council. Despite his busy schedule, Georgy Abshilava always finds an opportunity to comment on what he considers to be important events on the pages of the largest media outlets in our country: the Life.Ru, Vecherniye Vedomosti, Natsionalnyye Interesy Internet portals, the Kommersant newspaper, the RT TV channel in Russian, etc.
Lawyer Natalya Khurchakova
Natalia Khurchakova
Natalia Khurchakova is a lawyer and mediator, member of the All-Russian Trade Union of Mediators. Member of the International Bar Association No. 1 of Moscow. Member of the International Association of Russian-Speaking Lawyers MARA. Specializes in defense in criminal cases and family disputes, divorces, division of property, issues related to children, legal assistance to women with children in difficult life situations. Collaborates with crisis centers in Moscow and the Moscow region for women with children who have been subjected to psychological, physical, sexual violence. Participant of the TOP-10 best media lawyers of 2022. In 2023, she entered the TOP-10 most beautiful women lawyers according to the fashion magazine TRENDSPEOPLE. The face on the cover of the October issue of Advocate News of Russia and the main character of the August issue of TRENDSPEOPLE magazine.
The topic of legal protection of women and children, to which a significant part of Natalia Khurchakova’s professional life is devoted, is also reflected in her media activity. Among her latest publications are an article on how to protect yourself from scammers on dating sites (for the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper), explanations on how to properly prepare for a divorce if it cannot be avoided (for the WDAY.RU Internet portal), on how property is hidden during a divorce (for the WomanHit.ru portal), and on how to divide a mortgage during a divorce (for the Pravda.Ru portal). Natalia also pays attention to current changes in legislation. For example, she commented on the peculiarities of the distribution of LGBT symbols (an organization banned in Russia) in an article for the REX Information Agency. Natalia’s articles and expert assessments can be seen on such platforms as the Gazeta.Ru portal, Advokatskaya Gazeta, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, TV Channel 360, the National Interests agency, the RT TV channel in Russian, etc.
Lawyer Alexander Shefer
Alexander Shefer
Alexander Shefer is a Russian lawyer from the city of Gorno-Altaisk. Specializes in writing off loans and debts of individuals, legal support and representation in courts of various categories. Hero of the cover of the autumn issue of the legal journal “Eurasian Advocacy”. Alexander began his career in law enforcement agencies. He has experience as a corporate lawyer. Today, Alexander Semenovich has three decades of professional legal activity behind him, a significant part of which is now devoted to working with debtors and bankrupts. The lawyer is convinced that with the current level of credit burden, bankruptcy can be the best solution for many citizens of the country, however, it is very difficult to go through the bankruptcy procedure without qualified legal assistance. In a recently published article for one of the best specialized legal publications in the country, the Eurasian Advocacy magazine, Alexander Shefer covered in detail the main stages and nuances of the bankruptcy procedure for individuals. In addition to professional publications, Alexander Shefer is widely published in various media, including the Advocate Newspaper, the Life.ru portal, RBC, Regions of Russia, LIFE24, Podmoskovie Segodnya. His article on the myths of life after bankruptcy became one of the most popular on the Public News Service portal.
Lawyer Alisa Volkhova
Alisa Volkhova
Alisa Volkhova is a lawyer and a certified mediator. She specializes in defense in criminal cases in the field of economics and taxation and in the settlement of family and inheritance disputes. Total legal experience is more than seventeen years. In 2023, she entered the TOP-10 most beautiful women lawyers according to the fashion magazine TRENDSPEOPLE. One of the latest relevant topics covered in detail by Alisa Volkhova both on the pages of the media and in her own social networks is the law on advertising labeling and all the nuances of its enforcement. Other important events in the legal industry do not go unnoticed by her. Alisa Volkhova regularly publishes on the pages of such authoritative media as Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Moskovsky Komsomolets and Argumenty i Fakty newspapers, Delovoy Kvartal, Vechernyaya Moskva, NEWS.ru, Life.ru, Lenta.RU, etc.
Alisa considers herself not only a lawyer, but also a blogger, and approaches her social media profiles with great creativity. Alisa is as open as possible with her subscribers, loves bright photo shoots and devotes a lot of time to preparing high-quality content.
Lawyer Vitaly Revzin
Vitaly Revzin
Vitaly Revzin is a lawyer at the Bar Association “Your Legal Attorney”. Two higher educations, legal and economic, allow him to successfully represent the interests of his clients both in courts of general jurisdiction and in the consideration of economic disputes in arbitration courts. He was awarded the Order of “Defender of Russia” of the third degree, the medal “Professional of Russia”. He entered the TOP-10 best media lawyers in 2022. Author of the project “Stories about the history of Russian business”. The name of lawyer Vitaly Revzin literally does not leave the pages of the largest Russian media. All the largest media events in the field of jurisprudence are sure to receive a detailed and reasoned assessment of an experienced lawyer. Journalists from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Argumenty i Fakty, Izvestia, Radio Liberty, Banki.ru portal, Lenta.RU, Natsionalnye Interesy, Argumenty Nedeli, REX news agency, Gosudarstvennye Vesti, etc. regularly turn to him for comments on one issue or another. The lawyer pays much attention to covering the current topic of fraud and ways to protect against it, the topic of defrauded equity holders, business protection and support, changes in labor legislation, compliance with the rights of consumers and socially vulnerable categories of citizens.
Lawyer Victoria Shabanova
Victoria Shabanova
Head of the law firm “Shabanova and Partners” – Victoria Shabanova. Her professional interests include family and land disputes, bankruptcy, consumer protection, labor disputes and disputes with banks, as well as legal support for businesses, bankruptcy of legal entities, representation in arbitration courts. Regularly appears in print and online media and on television. Permanent expert on the talk show on the NTV channel. One of the latest original materials by Victoria Shabanova, published on the website of the REX Information Agency, is devoted to measures to support children left without a father. In an article for the WomanHit portal, Victoria spoke about the secrets of purchasing real estate with the help of maternity capital. In an interview for Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, the lawyer explained the rules for receiving compensation from airlines in cases of emergency landing of an airplane. The Rossiyskaya Gazeta published an important report on where and who you need to work as in order to receive an apartment from the state. The media activity of the head of the law firm “Shabanova and Pariners” Victoria Shabanova is not limited to comments and publications in the media. A lot of useful legal information can also be found on her pages in social networks. This information will be useful not only for businesses, but also for every citizen of our great country.
Lawyer Alexey Tyurin
Alexey Tyurin
Alexey Tyurin is a lawyer, founder and partner of a Moscow law firm with almost fifteen years of experience. He provides his clients with services in defense of economic, tax and official crimes, representation of interests in criminal offenses, support of suspects, accused and convicted persons during investigation, trial and serving a sentence in places of imprisonment. In addition to law, he has a higher education as a translator from English and Turkish. He annually improves his qualifications, has a diploma of retraining in the specialty “tax lawyer” from RANEPA. The media activity of lawyer Alexey Tyurin consists mainly of expert publications. In a large material for the portal Regions of Russia, he covered in detail effective strategies for defending an accused of economic crimes. The RBC Life portal published his article on how to protect yourself from “infogypsies” and unscrupulous coaches with advice on how to get your money back for poor-quality educational services. The Rossiyskaya Gazeta published a detailed commentary by Alexey Tyurin on the new rules for calculating vacation. In the material for the Life.ru portal, the lawyer clarified the list and procedure for receiving benefits for children of SVO participants, in particular, benefits for obtaining higher education at universities in the country.
Lawyer Anastasia Dushaeva
Anastasia Dushaeva
Anastasia Dushaeva is a Moscow lawyer. She has a wide range of scientific interests, taught students law in various disciplines. Specialist in blockchain technology, expert. Finalist of the “Leaders of Change in Education” competition in 2019 and a participant in the World skills World Championship. Anastasia Dushaeva pays great attention to the development of education and research activities. She was awarded an international diploma for her significant contribution to the development of modern science. And scientific articles published in Russian journals and abroad are well cited and in demand by the professional community.
However, despite her passion for science and achievements, Anastasia Dushaeva maintains a deep interest in the practical work of a lawyer, which she has been since 2010. Her specialization is quite extensive. Her professional interests include arbitration and civil proceedings, bankruptcy, real estate and construction, protection of intellectual property, corporate, labor, family and housing law.
During her professional career in the legal profession, Anastasia has had many unique judicial and extrajudicial cases, allowing us to consider that she has excellent experience and professional vision of complex situations with a combination of a scientific approach and practical applicability. Many cases were completed by reconciliation and termination of cases. With the participation of the lawyer, a raider takeover related to claims for 200 million rubles was prevented. The lawyer participated in non-profit projects, provided assistance Pro Bono.
Anastasia Dushaeva’s comments on legal issues are regularly published on the pages of the WomanHit Internet portal and Media Potok, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Izvestia newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda radio and Tsargrad TV channel, Life.ru, Glas.Ru., Federal Press and others.
The RBC Life portal has posted a large editorial material on the problem of stalking with a commentary by Anastasia Dushaeva on what to do if you suddenly find yourself in such a situation.
The original article was published at https://trendspeople.com/obzor-yuristov/
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Achieved the release of the “Debtor” from recovery in the amount of 30 million 646 thousand rubles
Providing support to the Multifunctional Migration Center of Moscow in Sakharovo and effective assistance on migration issues to a foreign citizen (citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan by origin: Korean) in applying for a residence permit and obtaining Russian citizenship.
Sued for recovery of debt for transportation of cargo by road and interest for use of other people's money (Case No. A60-46332/2021)
The fact of birth registration of a native of the Republic of Belarus, born in 1932 has been established The role of subject qualification in the insurance contract